Faisal Naseer pic

Faisal Naseer pics with Family’s latest image

Latest Images of Dirty Hair name given by Imran Khan. here are the new Images of DG ISI Faisal Naseer’s latest pic with his family and children.

major general Faisal Naseer dgc latest pics

Faisal Naseer Home Address

house Address: House Number 400/17-C, Lane 7, Peshawar Road Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.

Who is Major General Faisal Naseer? 

He is a Major general officer at the political wing of ISI. He works as Core commander at Baluchistan during the extreme terrorist environment. This man known as a Super army soldier works on ground level and few people know him. He doesn’t have social media or interviews. That’s why people don’t know much about him right now.

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Video of Major General Faisal Naseer

The murder of Arshad Sharif Done by the ISI Pakistani Intallegcne Agency

Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif was killed in Kenya in October 2022. The CNN article you shared reports that Sharif was found dead in his hotel room in Nairobi on October 22, and that his body showed signs of “trauma and violence.” The article also notes that the circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear and that investigations are ongoing.

The South Asia Press article you shared offers additional details about Sharif’s death, citing anonymous sources who allege that he was the victim of a “well-planned elimination” carried out by Pakistan’s intelligence agencies in retaliation for his reporting on their activities. However, it is important to note that these claims are based on anonymous sources and have not been independently verified.

The tweet from AJEnglish you shared also reports on Sharif’s death and notes that his reporting had focused on “corruption, human rights abuses and political turmoil in Pakistan.”

In summary, while the fact of Arshad Sharif’s death has been widely reported and confirmed by credible sources, the circumstances surrounding his death, including any alleged involvement of Pakistani intelligence agencies, remain under investigation and have not been independently verified. It is important to continue following updates from reliable news sources as more information becomes available.

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