meher ali shah

 He was born on April 14, 1859, in Golra Sharif and passed away in May 1937 at the age of 78 in Golra Sharif as well.

Personal Information of Meher Ali Shah

Pir Syed Meher Ali Shah Hanfi Qadri Chisti was a prominent Sufi, scholar, and poet from Punjab, British India (present-day Pakistan). He was born on April 14, 1859, in Golra Sharif and passed away in May 1937 at the age of 78 in Golra Sharif as well. He was a descendant of Abdul Qadir Jilani in the 25th generation through his father’s side, and from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through Hassan Ibn-e-Ali in the 38th generation. From his mother’s side, he descended from Abdul Qadir Jilani in the 24th generation and from Muhammad through Hussain Ibn-e-Ali in the 37th generation.

Pir Meher Ali Shah was a Hanafi scholar who belonged to the Chishti order of Sufism. He was known for leading the anti-Ahmadiyya movement and authored several books, including “Saif e Chishtiyai” or “The Sword of the Chishti Order,” which critiqued the Ahmadiyya movement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Pir Meher Ali Shah had a son named Ghulam Mohiyyuddin Gilani. He was based in Golra Sharif and succeeded Sial Sharif as a Muslim leader.

Famous NamePir Meher Ali Shah
NicknamePir Meher Ali
Date of Birth14 April 1859 British India 
Death date May 1937 
Age (in 2023)Died at the age of 78
NationalityBritish India 
ProfessionIslamic Scholar, Sufism, Author of books
HobbiesReading, Traveling
Zodiac Sign/sun signAries
Home townGolra Islamabad
SchoolKhanqah ( Muslim Masjid name ) 
Associated universityPir Meher Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi 
Religion Islam 
Permanent ResidenceGolra Sharif Islamabad, Pakistan 
Close friends
Marital statusMarrieds

Meher Ali Shah Books Free Download from links 

Sirat E Hazrat Meher Ali Shah free PDF Book

Irfan E Marat Download book

Hidayatul Rasool SAW

Malfuzaat e Mubarka

Shams Ul Hidayat

Saif UL Chistiyaan

Miracles of Meher Ali Shah 

The Miraculous Event (Karamat) of Pir Mehr Ali Shah and His Prayer Beads!

Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah Alayhi Rahma was once sitting outside on his charpoy bed when a British soldier walked by and questioned the purpose of his prayer beads. The soldier then pulled out his gun and said, “See the power of this instead!”.

and he took out his gun and said look at the power of my gun he saw a bird on a tree and he shot it and he said this is the power of my gun! then Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah Alayhi Rahma got up and placed their Tasbeeh on the dead bird and as soon as they did this the bird came to life and flew away and Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah Alayhi Rahma said ”This is the power of my Tasbeeh” then the man immediately repented and he became a Muslim and a Murid of Hazrat Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah Alayhi Rahma. ( This Maricel is from Facebook as a Reference)  

Karamat Pir Meher Ali Shah

Pir Maher Ali Shah says that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered me to refute Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani in a dream and said, “This person (the unfortunate and cursed Mirza Qadiani) is cutting my hadiths with the scissors of interpretation and you are sitting silent.” . 

Therefore, the first thing that Pir Meher Ali Shah did after receiving the order from his perfect master and Mullah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), was to write a magazine called “Shams-ul-Hidayat” in 1899, which contains a very scholarly and reasoned style. I shed light on the theme of the life of Christ and the re-appearance of Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) in the near future. 

In this magazine, Pir Meher Ali Shah expressed the collective and unanimous belief of the Islamic nation in a very effective manner that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s claim to be the promised Messiah is wrong, invalid, and false. The problem of Hayat Masih is the death of Qadiyanism. Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani could not write any answer to “Shams-ul-Hidayat” but he challenged Pir Meher Ali Shah to compete with me in writing a commentary in Arabic. 

The language of the letter Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani wrote for his challenge was very vile, shameful, and vulgar. However, Pir Meher Ali Shah replied to Mirza Qadiani and said, “I accept this challenge, but before that, Mirza Qadiani should have a speech debate with me on his claim of Christianity and Prophethood.” Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s fear of defeat in the speech debate prevented him from agreeing to this condition and he sent a message to Golra Sharif to disapprove of the condition of the speech debate, but according to Pir Meher Ali Shah’s announcement, on August 25, 1900, in the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore. reached. 

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani himself had escaped from the competition of Pir Saheb, but see the help of Mirza Qadiani, these advertisements were pasted on the walls in Lahore that Meher Ali Shah fled from the competition. But a lie is a lie. It was Mirza Qadiani who ran away from the competition, which caused great disappointment in the Qadiani circles and some of them even announced their resignation from Qadianiism.

  Pir Meher Ali Shah was given victory by Allah Ta’ala in the contest of Qadianis, and a grand gathering of Muslims was organized in Badshahi Masjid Lahore on August 27, 1900. The meeting was presided over by Pir Meher Ali Shah. 

In this meeting, very faith-inspiring speeches were made and a resolution was also passed. About 60 scholars have signed this resolution. The meaning of the resolution was something like that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s challenge to religious scholars and scholars of Islamic debate is just an expression of gaining false fame. 

The challenge given to Pir Meher Ali Shah by Mirza Qazab is also proof that it was only Mirza Qadiani’s boasting and false pride in his knowledge. If he had faith in his false claims, he should not have avoided the speech debate with Pir Saheb Golra Sharif. The beliefs of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani are completely against the consensus of the Holy Quran, the Hadith of the Prophet, and the Companions. Mirza Qadiani is out of Islam based on a false, baseless, and literal claim of prophethood. Mirza Qadiani comparing Qadiyan to Makkah, declaring Qadiyan Mosque to be Al-Aqsa Mosque, denying the ascension of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), insulting God’s chosen and beloved Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is extremely shameful and utter disbelief. Mirza Qadiani’s writings and advertisements are also proof of shameful lies and blasphemy, so there is no need to respond to his writings in the future because it is a decisive and irrefutable fact that Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s beliefs are completely against Islam. 

Even after his escape in Lahore, Mirza Qadiani was compelled by his habit to publish vulgar articles against Pir Meher Ali Shah, but Pir Sahib did not consider him worthy of reply. In 1907, the Qadianis made it known in their circles that Pir Meher Ali Shah would die before the month of Jeth in the coming year. This regret of the Qadianis was not fulfilled, Pir Sahib would die before Jeeth in 1908, however, the tragic death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani in 1908 confirmed his false claims. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani challenged Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari and published an advertisement on April 5, 1907 that the liar among us will die in the lifetime of the truthful. 

Mirza Qadiani also prayed to Allah Almighty in writing that if I am corrupt and a liar in your eyes and my claim of Christ is just an invention of my self, then Maulvi Sanaullah and whoever is a liar among me will be removed from the world in the life of a righteous person. pick it up Allah Ta’ala accepted this prayer of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and at the same time proved him to be a liar that he went to hell during the lifetime of Maulana Sanaullah. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani also died of cholera. Mirza Qadiani used to call cholera a sign of God’s wrath. Therefore, he became the target of God’s wrath due to his false claim of prophethood. 

Shortly before his death, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani confessed to his father-in-law Mir Nasir that he had contracted cholera. Finally, for the information of my readers, I would like to state that Mirza Qadiani challenged Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari and published an advertisement that the corrupt and lying one among us will die in the lifetime of the true one. Sanaullah lived 40 years after Mirza Qadiani’s death.

Urdu poetry Meher Ali Shah

تو راستے میں وادیِ حمرا میں قیام کیا چونکہ سفر میں تهے اسلئے نمازِ عصر کی سنتیں غیر موکدہ ادا نہ کیں (جو کہ اک شریعی حکم ہے) دریں اثناء نیند نے غلبہ کیا اور سو گئے خواب میں آنحضور صل اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم کی زیارت ہوئی آپ صل اللہ علیہ و سلم نے فرمایا کہ اے مہر علی میرے دیدار کے طلبگار ہو کہ میری ہی سنتیں ادا نہ کیں. مہر علی خوشی اور گهبراہٹ کے ملے جلے احساس سے بیدار ہوئے چونکہ ابهی ابهی دیدارِ مصطفیٰ صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ و سلم ہوا تها تو اس مستی میں یہ اشعار کہے


اَج سک متراں دی ودھیری اے

کیوں دلڑی اداس گھنیری اے

لوں لوں وچ شوق چنگیری اے

اج نیناں لائیاں کیوں جھڑیاں


اَلْطَّیْفُ سَریٰ مِنْ طَلْعَتِہ

والشَّذُو بَدیٰ مِنْ وَفْرَتَہ


فَسَکَرْتُ ھُنَا مِنْ نَظْرَتِہ

نیناں دیاں فوجاں سر چڑھیاں


مکھ چند بدر شعشانی اے

متھے چمکے لاٹ نورانی اے


کالی زلف تے اکھ مستانی اے

مخمور اکھیں ہن مدھ بھریاں


دو ابرو قوس مثال دسن

جیں توں نوک مژہ دے تیر چھٹن


لباں سرخ آکھاں کہ لعل یمن

چٹے دند موتی دیاں ہن لڑیاں


اس صورت نوں میں جان آکھاں

جانان کہ جانِ جہان آکھاں


سچ آکھاں تے رب دی شان آکھاں

جس شان تو شاناں سب بنیاں


ایہہ صورت ہے بے صورت تھیں

بے صورت ظاہر صورت تھیں


بے رنگ دسے اس مورت تھیں

وچ وحدت پھٹیاں جد گھڑیاں


دسے صورت راہ بے صورت دا

توبہ راہ کی عین حقیقت دا


پر کم نہیں بے سوجھت دا

کوئی ورلیاں موتی لے تریاں


ایہا صورت شالا پیش نظر

رہے وقت نزع تے روزِ حشر


وچ قبر تے پل تھیں جد ہوسی گذر

سب کھوٹیاں تھیسن تد کھریاں


یُعْطِیُکَ رَبُّکَ داس تساں

فَتَرْضیٰ تھیں پوری آس اساں

لج پال کریسی پاس اساں

والشْفَعْ تُشَفَّعْ صحیح پڑھیاں


پهر جب روضہ رسول اکرم صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ و سلم پہ پہنچے تو یہ اشعار پڑهے


لاہو مکھ تو بردِ یمن

منبھانوری جھلک دکھلاؤ سجن


اوہا مٹھیاں گالیں الاؤ مٹھن

جو حمرا وادی سن کریاں


حجرے توں مسجد آؤ ڈھولن

نوری جھات دے کارن سارے سکن


دو جگ اکھیاں راہ دا فرش کرن

سب انس و ملک حوراں پریاں


انہاں سکدیاں تے کرلاندیاں تے

لکھ واری صدقے جاندیاں تے


انہاں بردیاں مفت وکاندیاں تے

شالا آون وت بھی اوہ گھڑیاں


پیر مہر علی کو پهر جب جاگتے ہوئے روضہ رسول اکرم صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ و سلم پر دوبارہ زیارت ہوئی تو یہ اشعار پڑھے


سُبْحَانَ اللہ مَا اجْمَلَکَ

مَا اَحْسَنَکَ مَا اَکمَلَکَ


کتھے مہر علی کتھے تیری ثنا

گستاخ اکھیں کتھے جا اڑیاں


“حضور قبلہ عالم سید پیر مہر علی شاہ علیہ رحمت گولڑہ شریف”

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